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Is there anything a little black dress can't do? Not only does the LBD come in handy for last-minute affairs, it is also a savior when it comes to last-minute Halloween costumes. Even if you do decide a new outfit is in order for a spooky soiree, pick items that you know you'll wear later and it becomes a solid investment, not just a cheap thrill. Below, 18 Halloween costumes starring none other than the little black dress. After all, tons of costumes can be created using a little black dress that you likely already own. To recreate this iconic outfit, all you need are red shoes, liquid leather leggings, and a sultry black bodysuit.

Marilyn Monroe may have a reputation for wearing pink and white (ok and Chanel No. 5), but her early role as Angela Phinlay in this film noir flick is all about the little black dress. You know you're dying to revisit that goth phase you went through in high school. You may morph into some of the most recognizable figures in pop culture history with nothing more than a black T-shirt, black dress, and/or black leggings .
Go as a Snapchat or Instagram filter and wear anything you want.
Truthfully, I'll take any excuse to dress up as the fabulous and stylish Holly Golightly. I don't even need it to be Halloween, though that makes it extremely convenient.

You'll need a lot of time, patience, and a creepy white contact lens to pull it off, but it's so worth it. Copy Beyoncé’s clever 2016 Halloween costume and transform yourself into a real-life throwback Barbie doll. Dress in a vintage-looking black-and-white one-piece swimsuit, then paint a cardboard box to look like the doll's packaging. Here’s a great example of how to nail this epic look without too much effort.
DIY Black Dress Halloween Costume Ideas | Sustainable Halloween Costume Ideas 2021
TLC is another trio that defined a generation, and obviously, this is just ONE of their many iconic outfits. Go all out like this group in strappy black outfits with knee pads and gloves. Okay, I know we're not supposed to like Scar because of what he did to Mufasa....but I can't deny his flair for the dramatic. If your makeup skills are on point, you can definitely channel the lion. The outfit can be all black, all brown, or a mix of neutral colors. This group of sisters was not to be messed with!
Finally, come prepared with your best inspirational quotes. For true beauty enthusiasts wanting to give their own spin on a character, Cruella de Vil is where it’s at this Halloween. Taking inspiration from Emma Stone’s character and her many looks, you can become the villain you’ve always wanted to be.
Black Halloween Witch Costume
Give your Tinkerbell look a modern and sultry twist with a green cut crease, green highlighter, and of course, Tink’s signature green eyes. The best part is that these easy diy costumes are seriously so much fun to put together, versus something store-bought. A red shirt worn with overalls or jeans and suspenders and a red hat make an easy DIY Super Mario costume. You can make a red and white M for your hat out of paper or felt.
While she is fabulously talented, what makes her a good choice for a Halloween costume is her otherworldly presence. It’s one of my dreams to dress up as Mermaid Cher from the movie “Mermaids.” Feel free to steal my idea. I’m stocking up on my seashells and baubles right now. Remember that tap dancing bee from the Blind Melon song “No Rain”? She would like you to use her costume to spread tap dancing bee joy to the masses. Next, match your foundation to the rest of your face—this also helps to create depth!
This dress will surely make all other clothing items on your shopping list seem boring in comparison! If you are looking for a great deal on a new dress, then look no further! Given the choice between designer, it does not make sense to select an expensive dress when you can get one for less that performs just as well.
Biker costumes are not exactly 80s fashion but this outfit looks so good no matter the era. A biker costume can be worn in various ways and you don’t need a long sleeve leather jacket or a vest for this outfit. You can also add accessories like bracelets, necklaces, rings and even sunglasses if you want to complete the look.