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A 225-page book about the life of legendary fashion icon Gabrielle Coco Chanel with practical life lessons for women of all ages. A very simplified picture book biography of Coco Chanel. I would recommend "Different Like Coco" as it has better images and the wording is less jarring. Okay, friends, family members, peers in work who are children's librarians, I disagree with your assessment of giving this anything less than a "5". Beautiful illustrations with just a tease of the adult biography of this remarkably spirited, controversial individual.

Well, I knew nothing about Chanel the person, so I learned a lot reading this, but it's not my favorite Rubin book, and I'm a huge fan of her work. I'm sure that I am partially responding to the negative aspects of Coco's personality...her anti-semitism (except when it doesn't benefit her business endeavors), her treatment of her workers, and to a lesser extent, her ego. You don't get to leave behind a childhood of abandonment and poverty to become a world-famous fashion designer without some ego. Susan Goldman Rubin chronicles the life of the extremely influential fashion designer Coco Chanel for young readers.
‘Painted People’: Who Were the Picts?
Susan Goldman Rubin gives us a well researched biography of the famous designer. Beginning with her childhood, mostly spent in poverty, living with relatives or in an orphanage, through her schooling and eventual rise to fame as the designer for the rich and famous in Paris. Susan Goldman Rubin gave details of Coco Chanel’s life that were interesting and compelled me to read more. She emphasized quotes from Chanel’s life and mentioned dialogue between Chanel’s colleagues and friends.

Rubin also discusses Chanel's influential designs, from the little black dress, to the menswear inspired pieces, to Chanel No. 5. I read this slim volume in one sitting, and enjoyed every minute. The book itself is also quite lovely in its design, which is only fitting. By far, she is the only designer to be hailed as one of the 100 most influential people of the 20 th century by time. The little black dress is a black evening or cocktail dress, cut simply and often quite short.
Why Coco Chanel Created the Little Black Dress
It was not biased, covered strengths and weaknesses. Brief yet comprehensive at the same time. "fashion changes, style endures" coco chanel quote Classic T-Shirt.
My midwest middle schoolers are not going to understand the "little black dress," or much of the high fashion world beyond reality tv runway shows. One mention of the nuns indoctrinating her to hate Jews is not enough to explain to them how she could perhaps have been a Nazi sympathizer when they are reading Anne Frank and learning about the Holocaust. There may be more than one mention, I read this in a gulp yesterday, but I wanted more than just a repeated mention that she was anti-semitic. Rubin does do a good job of stating what is and isn't known about Chanel's actions and beliefs. I appreciate that a lot and it's really helpful for young readers when authors are clear about that.
Coco Chanel / Little Black Dress / Vintage Retro Art Print, Minimalist Fashion Poster
I prefer to leave a little room in my bag to grab goodies when I'm travelling, but otherwise you need one good pair of shoes that can be worn day or night, a pair of black jeans, and a nice dress. Every girl should have a little black dress, a great boyfriend blazer and a pair of skinny jeans in their wardrobe. A great pair of a jeans, a good black heel, a great little black dress, tank tops for layering, and a jacket that can be worn day or night.
In honor of the legendary couturier’s birthday, we highlight nine pithy Mademoiselle Chanel quotes to live by.. Fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening.”. “In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different.”. “The most courageous act is still to think for yourself. “There is no time for cut-and-dried monotony. Coco Chanel — French Designer born on August 19, 1883, died on January 10, 1971.
Books by Annemarie van Haeringen
In 1931, The New Yorker wrote up a profile of Coco Chanel, a designer couldn't draw and preferred not to sew. Instead, she would describe her artistic vision to someone who would make a rough draft for her. This draft, said The New Yorker, "Chanel invariably finds all wrong." Chanel had a habit of skipping paper and cutting tables and making her drafts directly on a mannequin. A look might go through thirty different versions before the fashion legend finally settled on the contours that she was looking for.
LITTLE BLACK DRESS is an overall black color or short dress. This LBD is a classy fashion that is never a fad. In the 1920s Coco Chanel play a vital role in influencing little black dress, LBD was for working women as uniform at that time. After some days women accepted this little black dress as a cocktail evening dress.